No Recent Travel
I've been quit busy lately with my photography, more assignment works. Makes me haven't travel for quite sometime now. I'm so envy with Louis Pang, he is in Hong Kong now and after that continue to India. If you don't know his blog its . I hope I can spend time to travel some where may be next year.
Hi Lance, thanks for dropping by my blog. I enjoy shooting in different setups, places and cultures. Only when we move outside our comfort zone that we expand and grow. I hate going through airports, long flights and layovers though. I love the job, not the traveling, but they come in a package, so I can't complain :)
Hey Louis, Glad you dropping by too. I read in your blog that you had a terrific trip. I hope I can do things like that too. That 3 photograph you post in was great. I hate going through airport too but that is the only way to travel right yes we can't complain.
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